What Happens When You Get Hit by a Train?

Trains are large vehicles traveling at high speeds. Colliding with one can often prove `fatal; therefore it is crucial that people understand what can happen when hit by one.

Train drivers typically witness two rail-related deaths during their careers – usually one due to accidents and one as suicides.

Traumatic Brain Injury

Train collisions can be devastatingly powerful. Their sheer size and power cause bones to shatter, organs to rupture, and devastating traumatisation to occur within bodies.

Accidents often impact the head directly, causing various kinds of brain injuries that range from confusion and memory loss to trouble understanding what’s going on around them.

Brain tissue often collides against the hard skull, leading to bruising, bleeding and shearing injuries which may result in concussion, traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (tSAH), diffuse axonal injury (DAI) and/or an ischemic stroke.

An injury to the brain can also have devastating emotional repercussions for its victim. They may laugh uncontrollably or cry uncontrollably as areas responsible for controlling such emotions become impaired due to trauma.

TBIs can have an enormously detrimental impact on a person’s life and relationships, including needing ongoing care, changes to work schedules or impairments that change daily routines, depression and difficulty recovering. But there are techniques available that can help people cope with these difficulties of recovery more successfully.

Traumatic Amputations

Train accidents can result in catastrophic injuries for victims, including internal trauma, traumatic amputations and even fatalities. Therefore it is imperative that individuals adhere to safety guidelines when around train tracks and remain alert at all times.

Though being struck by a train can be fatal, some individuals do survive being hit. Unfortunately, this requires immediate medical assistance that may not always be readily available – often impossible in this type of incident.

An individual riding on a train at speeds up to 200 miles per hour can experience forces which exceed their ability to absorb. Aside from amputation, survivors could sustain fractures, internal injuries, traumatic brain injury or even die as a result.

Emergency and critical care innovations have significantly increased survival rates among victims hit by trains, with many living to tell about it. Amputations sustained in train accidents are among the most devastating wounds suffered during wartime and can often lead to permanent disability.

Traumatic amputation refers to any unintended separation of limb or appendage without prior planning, often due to factory, farm and power tool accidents; but can also occur due to natural disasters or acts of terror. Surviving this form of injury typically require extensive rehabilitation and physical therapy in order to recover as much function as possible.

Internal Injuries

Train accidents are among the deadliest of all accidents. Because trains are much larger and heavier than cars, their collision with people or vehicles can often cause devastating injuries – it is rare for anyone to survive being struck by one.

Common injuries suffered in train accidents include spinal cord injuries, broken bones, organ damage and burns. Victims often require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation after suffering such severe traumas.

Spinal cord injuries may result from being thrown around within a train car during an accident, or from being caught between tracks when struck by one. Such incidents often leave victims permanently disabled and with significant financial losses as a result of this type of trauma.

Accident victims injured in train accidents may include either rail workers or members of the general public, with most train accidents occurring as a result of members of the latter category. No matter who was involved in an incident, those injured should seek legal advice immediately in order to protect their rights and seek protection of any applicable statutes.

Train accident victims may experience various internal injuries, such as crushed ribs, internal bleeding and ruptured spleens. Furthermore, they could suffer traumatic brain injuries or concussions as a result.


Train collisions can be extremely dangerous. Their immense force and enormous size make them one of the deadliest forms of transportation; even slow-moving trains pose serious threats due to their massive power. Being hit by one could result in catastrophic injuries.

When sitting or standing on tracks when a train comes by, there is an extremely high likelihood of death due to its initial impact. Internal organs could rupture as the body may be crushed or torn apart and bones shattered causing open fractures; plus the force from collision can even cut through skin and bone with disastrous effects.

Many people believe train accidents to be rare; unfortunately they’re not. Each year in the U.S. alone, hundreds of people are killed by trains due to trespassing and reckless driving at railroad crossings; there has also been an 14% rise since 2012 in highway rail incidents which result in death or serious injury to individuals. Even being hit by a train can have long-lasting effects, including life-changing injuries which will remain with someone for life.