How Many Grad Schools Should I Apply To?

how many grad schools should i apply to

Considering graduate school can be daunting, but one important decision is determining which schools to apply to. Experts generally advise applying to four to six programs. This allows you to choose schools from across a wide spectrum of reach, target, and safety schools. Remember, application fees add up quickly. 1. How Competitive are Your Top … Read more

Successful Submissive Training

successful submissive training

Successful submissive training entails many elements. To be effective, the dominant must understand their sub and establish rapport. Furthermore, an allotted amount of time must be set aside for learning, trial-and-error and finding a rhythm. At this stage, the dominant should use operant conditioning techniques to encourage desirable behaviors while discouraging undesirable ones – for … Read more

Lean Six Sigma Sensei Certification

lean six sigma sensei certification

Lean Six Sigma certification provide professionals with an opportunity to showcase their knowledge in their respective field. Each level of certification requires specific levels of work experience. Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification requires an introductory course and process improvement project, while Black Belt requires extensive experience leading projects. What is a Sensei? A sensei … Read more

How to Read Mixed Fraction in Words: 3 Effective Tips

how to read mixed fraction in words

How to read mixed fraction in words: When you’re trying to read a mixed fraction in words, it’s important to follow the same rules as when reading a whole number. That way, you’ll be able to understand what the mixed fraction means and how it fits in a larger context. How to Read Mixed Fraction … Read more

What Are the 3 C’s of Assertive Communication?

what are the 3 c's of assertive communication

What are the 3 c’s of assertive communication? Having the ability to communicate in an assertive manner is important. Assertive communication involves being: Clear, Controlled, and Confident. What Are the 3 C’s of Assertive Communication? Confidence Using assertive communication can help you increase confidence and achieve your goals. It also improves your relationship with others … Read more

Why is Assertive Communication an Effective Strategy?

why is assertive communication an effective strategy

Why is assertive communication an effective strategy? When you are in a challenging situation, one of the most effective strategies to deal with it is assertive communication. This strategy allows you to maintain your boundaries and assert yourself without assuming that the other person is trying to harm you. You must be confident enough to … Read more