What Happens If You Snort Sugar? Top 3 Things Will Occur

Snorting sugar or any other substance is a risky practice that can lead to infections, scarring of nasal passages and sinuses, allergies and asthma; and can even bring maggots into one’s nose.

Beyond its health ramifications, this practice shows an absence of compassion towards drug addicts struggling with addiction. We should inform people how they can avoid harmful habits like this one.


Sugar may not be top of mind when considering things you shouldn’t snort, but it should. Sugar can irritate the nostrils and make you drool uncontrollably for an extended period, prompting an urge to douse one in public. While it might be fun at parties or dares, sugar snorting should never become part of everyday routine.

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As it can trigger cravings and lead to relapse, pretending to snort sugar before an individual who is recovering from addiction is also not advised as this shows an absence of empathy and understanding towards their journey.


Snorting sugar may irritate the nose, but it also damages lungs. Snorting isn’t just a passing trend – it poses serious health risks including lung diseases and death.

According to numerous schools across the US, children who snort Smarties–candy-coated glucose powder–are experiencing allergic reactions that could even lead to sickness and death, and may attract maggots that feed off its sugary dust lodged inside their noses. Snorting could even create conditions in which maggots feed from inside a child’s nose!

Studies published this week in Nature Immunology revealed that common sugar stimulates macrophages – white blood cells in the lungs responsible for fighting off infections and inflammation. Snorting sugar could alter these chemical balances in these cellular areas, potentially increasing inflammation and vulnerability to infections according to researchers.

Snorting sugar may be dangerous, but it pales in comparison to snorting drugs like heroin and cocaine which are frequently snorted because they provide an instant high. Unfortunately, heroin can kill just as easily through frequent snorting due to delicate tissue in the nose being damaged over time by regular snorting – therefore all forms of snorting should be avoided at all costs and specifically encouraging heroin snorting could prompt someone in recovery from heroin dependency to return to using heroin which could potentially endanger their health and hinder their recovery efforts.

Lung Disease

Snorting any substance can be hazardous to both the nasal passages and sinuses lining them, as it may lead to irritation, infection, scarring or scarring in these areas – as well as lung damage.

The lungs are not designed to filter anything that enters them, meaning once something enters they can stay and cause serious health issues. Sugar or nutmeg that enters can lead to myristicin toxicity which manifests with wheezing and chest pain in individuals exposed.

Biologists from Great Britain’s University of Manchester found that common sugar could stimulate macrophages – white blood cells with special functions to clean away debris and pathogenic organisms – in mice alveoli (small air sacs in their lungs) via inhaling this sugary solution, stimulating macrophages as a filter and prompting interleukin 4 (an immune-system chemical) release.

Snorting any substance, including sugar, is never recommended. Not only could it damage the nose and sinuses, but snorting also alters the chemical balance in every air passage it passes through – altering how air travels from nose, windpipe, bronchi and into the lungs – potentially increasing infection risks, tissue scarring, toxicities or allergic reactions in these areas. Snorting sugar also increases disease transmission risk when sharing straws or dollar bills used to inhale it up.


Snorting sugar is not recommended for anyone, particularly children. Snorting can have serious long-term repercussions for young people and may lead to addiction, but there are medications available that can assist those who are addicted. One such medication, called naltrexone, has proven itself as effective at treating both opioid and alcohol addictions as well as sugar dependency.

Snorting sugar may seem harmless enough, but in reality it can be extremely hazardous. Snorting can lead to allergies, asthma and lung damage as well as addiction and drug use.

Snorting candy such as Smarties or Fun Dip is an increasingly popular trend among children across the United States. Children have taken to crushing it and snorting it as dares or for fun; some have even been recorded doing this on YouTube. Unfortunately, this type of snorting may lead to serious complications – including lung disease and allergic reactions that could prove life-threatening – nasal irritation, blockages in airways and infection in nose or sinuses as well as subcutaneous emphysema/pneumomediastinum conditions that may occur as result of repeated episodes snorting of candy – as this type of snorting occurs over time causing gradual worsening over time causing more severe health consequences in children than intended.