Why Does My AC Shut Off After 2-3 Minutes?

Whenever your air conditioning keeps switching on and off unexpectedly, it is wise to consult a professional. This could indicate either that the compressor isn’t functioning as intended, or there may be an electrical issue related to fan motor capacitor.

Here are the main causes for why your ac compressor shuts off within 2-3 minutes:


Your compressor’s safety mechanism prevents overheating by switching itself off in order to avoid damage, whether this be caused by faulty fan blades, condenser coil clogs, low refrigerant levels or an intermittently blown capacitor – in which case, replacing this component will ensure proper functionality of your compressor.

An alternative cause of overheating could be because your air compressor is not receiving adequate lubrication. Lubrication is integral to operating an air conditioner compressor and can be accomplished via thermal valve or oil pump systems that lubricate from compressor air end through cooling system to air end again and back again. If these circulating systems stop functioning as planned, your compressor may overheat and shut off to prevent further damage to itself.

Overheating can also be caused by system leakage; for example, if your AC compressor is leaking refrigerant it may overheat and shut off automatically in an effort to protect itself; should this occur you will likely require professional replacement of your compressor.

Low Refrigerant

Your air conditioner’s compressor, pump, and valves work in concert to compress refrigerant gas before dispensing it through your evaporator coil and cooling your home. Any issue with one or more of these components could result in low refrigerant levels that triggers its safety switch and shut it off; any problems can also force low refrigerant levels which then trigger the safety switch to switch it off entirely.

One telltale sign that your air conditioning system may be running low on refrigerant is when it starts emitting warm or lukewarm air from its supply vents. If this is happening to you, contact an HVAC technician in Lawton, Oklahoma before the refrigerant levels drop too far.

Another sure sign of low refrigerant levels is a hissing or bubbling sound coming from your air conditioner, indicating it has begun to leak refrigerant into the environment for whatever reason, including old age, poor installation or maintenance issues.

Leaks in copper refrigerant lines or between compressor and evaporator fins can develop at any point in time, while leaks at copper joints connecting these components are also not uncommon. Leaks may be caused by corrosion, heat damage or puncturing from lawn mowers – making timely repair crucial as replacing your compressor may cost much more! It is crucial that leaks be addressed as soon as they occur as the cost associated with repair far outweighs replacement expenses.

The Thermostat Isn’t Working Correctly

The thermostat is at the core of any air conditioning system. It reads the temperature in your home and directs when and how often its compressor should turn on or off. If its readings are inaccurate, your air conditioner could cycle on and off repeatedly in an effort to achieve your desired temperature, possibly overworking its compressor until eventually shutting itself off altogether.

If your thermostat is malfunctioning, the first thing you should do is replace its batteries. If this doesn’t help, check its wiring – all connections should be firm and not loose – to see if there’s an electrical wiring issue; otherwise seek assistance from a professional electrician.

Also possible is that your AC compressor has a leak of refrigerant that requires charging; for safety’s sake it would be wise to have an expert inspect and recharge this as doing this yourself could cause further damage or injuries.

The Compressor Clutch Isn’t Engaging

Compressor clutches serve a dual function; they regulate whether or not the serpentine belt spins, enabling refrigeration compressors to start compressing refrigerant, while simultaneously helping lubricate it so as to avoid its burning out prematurely.

Modern AC systems incorporate an automated system to ensure the compressor clutch remains engaged at all times, to reduce wear on components and engine strain. A thermostat signals to a relay that turns power to the clutch coil; then the computer monitors flow control valve for correct flow and safe threshold heat levels – failing this, it won’t energize clutch coil.

Troubleshooting this problem involves verifying if both clutch and pulley are turning at once. To do this, switch on your air conditioner for several minutes after turning it on to wait a moment before checking if they both turn simultaneously or if one or both don’t engage – in which case something could be amiss with either your clutch or electrical connections.

Use a multimeter to test the clutch coil for voltage. Most cars will only have one wire attached, but you can unplug this and examine its connection more closely. Connect one end of your voltmeter to the clutch coil while connecting its other end to a ground point on the compressor; if 12-14 volts come through to your clutch coil there may be issues in either its electrical wiring or its mechanics causing malfunction.