Can I Eat Dried Orange Slices?

Dried orange slices make an elegant garnish for cocktails and can add flair to granola or muesli recipes, homemade Christmas potpourri and decorating trees with festive decor.

Prep citrus for drying by using a mandolin slicer; however, using a sharp knife and cutting board are equally as effective.

Vitamin C

Oranges are packed with Vitamin C, an essential nutrient that aids iron absorption and strengthens immunity system function. Vitamin C also protects the body against infection while protecting cells against damage caused by free radicals; additionally it is known to help diabetics manage blood sugar levels more effectively.

Dried orange slices are easy to make and versatile snacks! From decorating cakes to adding them into baked goods or drinks like Christmas sangri or mulled wine, dried orange slices have numerous uses! They make great decorations as well as tasty healthy treats! Dried orange slices can even be finely diced to use as decoration on their own or mixed into other food, like cereal or muesli! Fine slices may also be finely diced into baked goods like cookies.

To make dried orange slices, start by washing and peeling them, before slicing into even pieces and placing on a baking tray. Any size or variety of orange will do, although smaller varieties such as clementines are typically sweeter – great for topping cakes or adding to homemade potpourri! Leave in an oven for four to six hours while periodically stirring your tray so they dry evenly.


Oranges and their peels contain numerous antioxidants that can help disarm free radicals that oxidize cholesterol and contribute to heart attacks and stroke. Furthermore, these nutrients reduce inflammation and constipation symptoms. In addition, oranges provide flavorful options when added to tea or food items.

Dried orange slices make an easy, tasty, and nutritious alternative to unhealthy snacks like chips and candy. Plus, making your own dried orange slices takes only minutes!

Baking oranges in an oven is the easiest and most reliable way to dry them out, taking between 2-4 hours with regular flips every 30 minutes to prevent burning. A mandoline slicer works particularly well; otherwise a sharp, high quality knife should do just as well.

Once they have been fully dried, you can store them in an airtight jar and keep them somewhere cool and dark; they should last two years without exposure to moisture or extreme temperatures.


Oranges and other citrus fruits make a fantastic treat for children of all ages. From eating them straight from the dehydrator or oven drying them altogether, oranges and other citrus fruits offer children a nutritious treat they’ll love! Once dried they can last years in an airtight environment.

Dried oranges are an energizing and healthy snack to aid with constipation. Thanks to their high fiber content, dried oranges help move food through your digestive system more smoothly while providing important vitamin C benefits that contribute to regularity in the colon. Plus, dried oranges provide ample iron.

Slice citrus fruit 1/8-1/4 inches thick and discard or compost end slices that contain all peel (they won’t dry properly). Arrange slices on parchment-lined baking sheets or metal racks inside your oven set at 200F, turning every hour until completely dried out. If possible use a mandoline for accurate thin slices.


Oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C, an anti-nausea agent. Eating them regularly during chemotherapy treatments, pregnancy or other conditions can reduce nausea and vomiting as well as help prevent constipation. Dried oranges can either be eaten whole or crushed into powder for drinks and snacks.

Use your oven as one of the best methods of drying oranges! Spread them out on a baking sheet or dehydrator rack and leave for four hours, flipping every half hour to ensure even drying. If unsure, check their packaging as an indicator.

Once you master the art of drying oranges, their possibilities become limitless. Use them as garnish on cocktails and charcuterie platters; sprinkle over cereal and muesli for breakfast; combine into baked goods; even use them to create festive Christmas garland! Or use them to scent your home by adding dried orange slices to homemade potpourri, simmer pots or simmer pots, as well as adding them into mulling spice mixes or trail mixes – they provide endless opportunities!


An oven or food dehydrator are both excellent ways to dry oranges quickly. The process may take three hours depending on the thickness of slices; to get optimal results it’s best to slice at 1/8 or 1/4 inch thickness – this makes them look more appetizing while taking less time for dehydration. A mandoline slicer or sharp chef’s knife are great tools for this job!

Once oranges have been dried thoroughly, they can be used in many ways. Dried oranges make for an elegant garnish for cocktails and fruit punches alike – not to mention iced tea! Additionally, dried oranges can also be added to potpourri, simmering dishes for fragrance or used as festive decor – not forgetting they also make delicious snack when dunked in chocolate!

Oven dried oranges are simple and tasty treats to make! Perfect for summer soups, cocktails or even as a healthy snack; oven dried oranges can even be formed into balls and coated in chocolate for an irresistibly delicious treat!